What is the Difference Between Expunged and Sealed Records?
The Differences Between Expunged and Sealed Records Unraveled
Navigating life with a criminal record can be challenging. For many, the...

Navigating Your Loved One’s Path to Freedom in Pennsylvania
When a loved one is incarcerated, navigating the complexities of the legal system can be overwhelming. The emotional toll of having a family...

Understanding Theft and Larceny Laws: Definitions and Legal Distinctions
We tend to hear the terms theft and larceny used interchangeably, but there are some key distinctions to note.
Both involve taking a...

Robbery VS Burglary: Key Differences in Criminal Offenses and Legal Defenses
Although you may hear people use the words “robbery” and “burglary” interchangeably, in the eyes of the law, these are two very different criminal...

DUI Defense: Fighting Drunk Driving Charges and License Suspension
Have you been accused of driving under the influence? Such a charge, referred to as a DUI, can lead to life-long repercussions and a long list of...

What is Obstruction of Justice? Understanding the Definition, Legal Consequences, and Defense Options
Obstruction of justice is a serious offense that can have severe legal consequences. It involves acts intended to interfere with the...

Examples of Fraud & Embezzlement
What Exactly is a Fraudulent and Embezzlement Charge?
Fraud and embezzlement are crimes that can wreak havoc on lives and businesses....

Don’t Pay the Price For an Accident You Didn’t Cause
In 2023, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation reported 110,382 traffic crashes in the state of Pennsylvania, down from 2022’s 115,938...

Can Your Beneficiaries Choose Not To Enter Probate?
Do Your Beneficiaries Have to Go Through Probate Law?
Probate is known to be a tedious and stressful process, but beneficiaries must receive...

Assault vs. Battery: What’s the Difference?
Assault vs. Battery: What You Need to Know
In criminal law, the terms assault and battery often appear together. It would be understandable for...