Crime in the Keystone State has declined significantly. In 2022, there were 309,981 crimes committed in Pennsylvania, and by 2023, that number had dropped to 222,473. Of those crimes, 5,938 were robberies. While crime reduction is a positive development, there are still individuals being charged with robbery who need to understand the potential consequences they may face.
The penalties for robbery in Pennsylvania are severe, with the harshest punishments including long-term imprisonment. If you or a loved one is facing robbery charges, you must understand the legal ramifications.
At Pike Law, we want to break down the penalties you may encounter and explain how a skilled criminal defense attorney can assist in your defense.
What is Robbery?
Robbery is a type of theft crime in which someone’s property is taken through threat or force. This distinguishes it from other types of theft, such as larceny and burglary. Larceny involves stealing property without the use of force, while burglary refers to entering a home or business to commit theft.
Robbery, however, is treated more seriously due to its violent nature. Understanding the specific charges and penalties associated with robbery can help in forming a strong legal defense. A qualified criminal defense attorney can guide you through this process, ensuring your rights are protected.
The Different Robbery Penalties in Pennsylvania
If you are found guilty of robbery, the penalties you face will depend on the severity of the crime, the circumstances involved, and the type of robbery charge. These include:
- Armed robbery
- Aggravated robbery
- Carjacking
- Bank robbery
The type of charge determines the potential consequences. The penalties for robbery are categorized into three degrees, much like other criminal offenses in Pennsylvania
1. Third-Degree Robbery
A third-degree robbery charge occurs when someone is accused of forcibly taking property without using a weapon or inflicting bodily harm. In this case, the victim does not suffer any significant physical injury. The penalties for third-degree robbery include:
- Up to 7 years in prison
- Fines of up to $15,000
- Restitution to the victim(s)
If you are facing a third-degree robbery charge, consult with a Pennsylvania criminal defense attorney to help reduce these penalties or explore defense strategies such as mistaken identity or lack of intent.
2. Second-Degree Robbery
A second-degree robbery charge is more serious, involving the use of force that causes or threatens bodily injury, though it does not include the use of a weapon. The penalties for second-degree robbery are:
- Up to 10 years in prison
- Fines of up to $25,000
- Restitution to the victim(s)
As this is a more serious situation, you would want to hire a lawyer with vast experience in criminal defense in NEPA to help you build a strong defense.
3. First-Degree Robbery
A first-degree robbery charge is the most serious, involving the use of a weapon, inflicting serious bodily harm, stealing a controlled substance or a motor vehicle, or robbing a bank. The penalties for first-degree robbery include:
- Up to 20 years in prison
- Fines of up to $25,000
- Restitution to the victim(s)
Because first-degree robbery carries the harshest penalties, you should hire a skilled Pennsylvania criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. A competent lawyer can help you contest these charges or negotiate a more favorable outcome.
4. Additional Penalties for Robbery in Pennsylvania
In addition to the basic sentencing, other penalties for robbery can include:
- Imprisonment: The prison sentence for robbery depends on the degree of the charge and any aggravating factors, such as the use of a weapon or causing serious injury. A trusted criminal attorney can evaluate your case and argue for a reduced sentence.
- Fines: Along with imprisonment, robbery convictions often come with significant fines. These can range from $15,000 to $25,000, depending on the severity of the crime. Legal representation is key to potentially reducing these financial penalties.
- Restitution to the Victim: You may be required to pay restitution to compensate the victim for any financial losses or damages. This is in addition to fines and is mandatory in most cases. Your attorney can help ensure the restitution is fair and based on accurate claims.
- Parole or Probation: In some cases, especially for first-time offenders, parole or probation may be granted. However, violating the terms of probation can lead to additional penalties, including prison time.
- Weapon Enhancements: Penalties are more severe if a weapon was used during the robbery. Even the mere threat of using a weapon can result in longer sentences. A Pennsylvania criminal defense attorney will study your case and may challenge these enhancements.
- Aggravated Robbery Penalties: Aggravated robbery involves inflicting serious harm or using a deadly weapon. It is treated as a first-degree felony and carries the harshest penalties, including long-term imprisonment and high fines. Legal representation is essential to fight these charges.
- Impact on Employment and Education: A robbery conviction can result in long-term consequences, including difficulty finding employment or pursuing higher education. A reliable criminal defense attorney can help you mitigate the long-term impact of a conviction.
- Loss of Civil Rights: A felony conviction can lead to the loss of certain civil rights, such as the right to vote or own a firearm. In some cases, these rights can be restored through legal action, which an attorney can help navigate.
- Collateral Consequences: A robbery conviction can have a lasting impact on personal relationships, housing opportunities, and community standing. Minimizing these collateral consequences requires a robust defense strategy, something only a skilled lawyer can provide.
Contact the Criminal Defense Attorneys Pennsylvania at Pike Law for Help
Robbery is one of the most common felony charges in Pennsylvania. Misunderstandings, police mistakes, and other factors can lead to unjustified charges. If you or a loved one is facing robbery charges, time is of the essence. John B. Pike, the lead attorney at Pike Law, has been representing individuals in Northeastern Pennsylvania for over 35 years and has a deep understanding of Pennsylvania’s robbery penalties.
Our team is here to help you navigate the complex legal landscape, protect your rights, and secure the best possible outcome. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and begin your defense.